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Celebratory academy on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of VSEMvs

5. novembra 2014

On 5th November 2014 in new premises of the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava a celebratory academy was held on the occasion of celebrating the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava.

Invited by the rector of the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava Prof. Ing. Viera Cibáková CSc., eminent personalities and representatives of public administration, partner universities, schools of higher education, faculties from home and abroad attended the festive event.

The invitation was accepted and the ceremony was attended by::

  • Ing. Mgr. František Palko, PhD. – State Secretary, Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic,
  • Doc. Ing. Jozef Habánik, PhD. – Rector of the Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín in Trenčín,
  • Prof. M. Eng. Petar Kolev, DSc. – Rector of the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport in Sofia in Bulgaria,
  • Prof. Dr. Šándor Magda, DrSc. – Rector Emeritus of the Károly Róbert University College in Gyöngyös in Hungary,
  • Prof. Dr. Artur Horbovyy, DSc. – Rector of Volyn Institute for Economics and Management in Lutsk in Ukraine,
  • Prof. Dr. Evgenij  Safonov – Director of the Branch of the State University for the Humanities in Domodedovo, Russian Federation
  • Prof. Dr. Sergej Kirsanov – President of the Municipal Development Institute in St. Petersburg,
  • Prof. RNDr. Jozef Komorník, DrSc. – Dean of the Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava,
  • Prof. Ing. Dr. Róbert Štefko, PhD. – Dean of the Faculty of Management, University of Prešov in Prešov,
  • Prof. Ing. Ladislav Šimák, PhD. – Dean of the Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina in Žilina,
  • Prof. Ing. Kajetana Hontyová, CSc. – Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Pan-European University in Bratislava,
  • Ing. Ján Hudák, PhD. – Director of the Department of Crisis Management and Safety, Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic,
  • Ing. Milan Muška – Executive Vice President of the Association of Towns and Communities of Slovakia - ZMOS,
  • ak. mal. Marián Minarovič – Secretary General of the Union of Towns and Cities of Slovakia,
  • h. Prof. Ing. Viktor Nižňanský, PhD. – Director of KOM – Research and Advisory Centre for Public Administration.

The celebratory academy was also attended by representatives of our partner universities:

  • Almamer University in Warsaw, Poland,
  • Union University in Belgrade, Serbia,
  • Plekhanov Russian Economic University in Saratov, Russian Federation,
  • Maikop State Technological University in Moscow, Russian Federation.

The rector of the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava in her formal speech evaluated the ten-year existence of the school of higher education on the market in higher education in the Slovak Republic. She highlighted the positive results in all areas of activity of the school of higher education.

She thanked in particular the closest co-founding academic staff and employees of the school of higher education for their help and support in starting up education, science and research activity, international cooperation including the implementation of the ERASMUS program, as well as for creating the material and technical conditions which contributed to the fact that the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava belongs to the successful schools of higher education in the Slovak Republic and abroad.

On a proposal from the management of the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration the rector awarded commemorative medals and commemorative letters to eminent personalities and co-workers for continued support and assistance in building the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration, for effective cooperation in the field of science, research and international cooperation.

The program of the ceremony was enriched by singing of a graduate of opera singing of the conservatory in Bratislava, in this time a student of the second year of the full-time Bachelor studies Nikola Kováčiková.


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