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V. International Scientific Conference on Young Science VŠEMvs 2016

25. novembra 2016

The 5th International Scientific Conference on Young Science which was held at School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava on 25th November 2016, was successfully finished with following results:

  • 52 presenting participants in 4 section
    • YS01/2016 „Innovations in Business Environment“
    • YS02/2016 „Innovative Potential of Regions and Regional Life Quality“
    • YS03/2016 „Poster Section“ and Plenary Section
  • 26 other participants with main focus on fruitful discussions on given themes
  • 3 Plenary presentations and 5 opening Speeches including General Director of Control and Trade Surveillance Section of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic – Mgr. Lucia Ferenčáková
  • 9 Presentations in the Section YS01/2016
  • 11 Presentations in the Section YS02/2016
  • 7 Poster Presentations in the Section YS03/2016

In conclusion, the main aim of the conference was fully fulfilled, where participants from more than 15 countries of the world were discussing actual topics in Business Management, Rural and regional Development, Economics, Agriculture and many more.

We would like to thank very much for the special auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and to Rector of School of Economics and Management in public Administration in Bratislava for all their support.


Now the review process of the conference papers is going to continue and we will prepare the conference results in special textbook published in International Scientific Journal.


We would like to thank to all participants for their presentations and discussions, which we hope were very important additional value to our scientific and pedagogical work


Organizing Committee and the Representatives of Organizing Institutions:

GROWUP startup centre

Department of Economics and Management of the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences


More information about the conference you can find in following documents:



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