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Visit of Prof. Horbovyy

15. apríla 2015

On 15th April 2015 Rector of the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava, prof. Ing. Viera Cibáková, CSc. welcomed Mr Horbovyy, Rector  of Volyn Institute for Economics and Management, who present his presentation „Economics problems of V4 countries“ to the students.

Visegrád Group (V4) in the point of single nation state represent the fifth largest economy in Europe and the 12th in the world. After years of democratic and economic transition, the V4 countries opening a new chapter of economics growth. Presentation unveil spectrum of economics problems that countries of V4 are facing off. Problems like unemployment, economy growth, infrastructure or politic environment are just the top of the iceberg. The biggest challenge before the countries of V4 is setting up their economies with growth and competitiveness.


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