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VŠEMvs representatives at Russian university

20. septembra 2015

Dr. h. c. prof. mpx. h. c. prof. Ing. Vladimir Gozora, PhD, MBA and prof. h. c. doc. Ing. Monika Hudáková, PhD visited Stavropol State Agrarian University on 17th to 20th September 2015.

Purpose of the visit was 85th anniversary celebrations of the University founding. Dr. h. c prof. mpx. h. c. prof. Ing. Vladimir Gozora, PhD, MBA. received during the event honorary title of Professor honoris causa. Our colleagues met representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University as well as representatives of the Russian government. Part of the visit was the meeting with rectors and vice rectors of the 54 Russian Universities. Main topic of the meeting was the international cooperation between Universities.


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