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The Obmudsman of the BUEM

The Ombudsman of the BUEM

The Ombudsman of the Bratislava University of Economics and Management (BUEM)  is the administrator of the innovative and fully digitalized Black Box, which has become the new announcement platform of the BUEM. The Black Box can be used by authorized persons - students, female students, study applicants and graduates of the BUEM. Furthermore, employees, staff, partners and other authorized persons from the external environment in guaranteeing the protection of whistleblowers, easily and comprehensively to report any unfair activity related to the functioning of our university, complaints, submit ideas for improvements and other submissions through these modules:

  • Black box
  • Ombudsman
  • Whistleblowing - Whistleblowing
  • Notifications of breaches of the Code of Ethics
  • Ideas box

Use this link to use the above mentioned modules of the Black Box notification platform of the BUEMBratislava University of Economics and Management - Notification Environment


The Ombudsman can also be contacted in person at the BUEM main campus building on the second floor in office 223 or by telephone on +421 918 863 591.


Black box

The Black Box is for current, former and future students, staff and partners of the BUEM.BUEM Through it you can report general problems, suggestions and ideas, especially in the field of the learning process and the functioning of the BUEM, as well as comments on support services (study department, information systems) and other ideas for the improvement of our university. At the same time, however, we ask you to provide sufficient information in your contributions to enable problems to be resolved as quickly as possible.

So it is not enough to vent your indignation about the problem that has arisen. Specific details need to be given so that we can ask the relevant responsible staff at our univeristy to address it.

What doesn't belong in the black box? If you have a problem:

- with login to the portal,

- with data display,

- with logging in for exams, or any other technical problem, please write directly to If there are any discrepancies in the electronic index, please contact the study department  



The mission of this module is to assist the BUEM Ombudsman in fulfilling his/her role in protecting the rights of female students, male students, staff and other similarly situated persons in situations where their interests and legitimate claims may be, are, or have been threatened as a result of inappropriate or disparate treatment, conflict situations, discrimination and gender-based violence, inaction by the university authorities that should have acted, and so on.

The Ombudsperson of the university has the following competences: Receives and resolves complaints related to violations of rights, interests, legitimate claims, gender equality and provides support and assistance to persons requesting assistance; monitors and reviews the implementation of activities and policies related to respect for rights and interests, gender equality and formulates recommendations for improvement; conducts research and data analysis on issues related to violations of rights, interests, legitimate claims and gender equality and disseminates information to the academic community; Conducts training and capacity building for male/female staff as well as female/female students on gender mainstreaming and the rights of each individual; Collaborates with other national and international institutions and organizations concerned with women's and men's rights and gender equality; Conducts other activities and actions that are necessary to promote and ensure the validity of the principles of protection of rights, gender equality as well as and the development of individuals free from gender discrimination.

The HEI Ombudsman is independent in his/her activities and decision-making and is accountable to the HEI Rector. He/she shall have the power to request and receive information from members of the management of the HEI and constituent parts of the university or from students and staff, if the nature of the complaint so requires. The Ombudsman, after ascertaining the circumstances and processing the complaint, may make reports and recommendations to the management of the HEI or its constituent parts. It shall submit to the Rector and the management of the HEI a report on its activities, achievements and problems for the past calendar year.



This module of the reporting platform is created in accordance with the provisions of Act No.54/2019 Coll. on the protection of whistleblowers of antisocial activities and the internal regulation 04/2024 Directive on the reporting of antisocial activities and the protection of whistleblowers at the BUEM. The module is used for submissions by students, study applicants, graduates, employees and external partners of the BUEM in case they have detected an act at the BUEM that is contrary to the applicable laws, goals, values and principles set by the company, as well as to the proper functioning in accordance with the above, is considered an unfair practice or an anti-social activity.

An employee who intentionally, directly or indirectly, claims or accepts any advantage, whether for his own benefit or for the benefit of a third party, or accepts the promise of such an advantage, in order to act or refrain from acting in a manner that violates the duties of his employment, profession, position or office, commits the unfair practice of corruption.

Through this interface you can send a report if you encounter any unfair practices in the functioning of our organisation.



Violation of the Code of Ethics

This module of the reporting platform is used for submissions from employees and students of the university who have noticed that a member of staff or student has violated the Code of Conduct/Code of Ethics of the BUEM published among the internal regulations of the BUEM. In such a case, please do not hesitate to report it using this module of the reporting platform. The purpose of the Code of Conduct of the BUEM is to define common principles and moral rules that guide employees and students in research, education and training of the new generation of scientists, managers and public administration employees in publishing the results of their activities as well as in their actions and behaviour in social life. Last but not least, the purpose of the Code of Ethics of the BUEM is to declare the ethical and moral principles of scientific work, to prevent serious disputes and to seek ways of correct solution of problematic situations. 


Ideas box

In this module you can share your comments and ideas for improving the functioning of the BUEM. We welcome your comments and ideas on the functioning and efficiency of our university as well as any other information that you think may have a positive impact on everyday life or could help and improve our university.



assoc. prof. Ing. Stanislav Filip, PhD.