On Monday, 19 May 2014 VŠEMvs in Bratislava hosted the 10th year of the international “Student research and professional activity” contest.
The contest was divided into two categories: 1. Bachelor stage, and 2. Master stage.
A number of 28 students from Slovak institutions of higher education and universities and from the partner institution of Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius, Lithuania, competed in the final round. Project topics included the fields of public administration management, public sector economics, human resources, regional development, European Union, global economy, political science, crisis management, economic policy, business economics and banking.
All participants were awarded a certificate of participation. Members of the expert jury chose five best student projects in each category. The best students in each category were awarded financial prizes and the best projects in each category were awarded a special prize of the Rector of VŠEMvs in Bratislava.