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Program ERASMUS PLUS 2014 - 2020 and 2021-2027

Setting up the program

The Erasmus program is the flagship of Europe in programs on education and training and it focuses on mobility and cooperation in higher education in Europe.

Activities of the Erasmus program are designed for:
  • University/higher education institution students who are interested in studying and practising aborad,
  • University/higher education institution teachers who are interested to teach abroad.
  • University/higher education institution professionals interested in receiving instruction abroad and  after that in applying the new knowledge and experience at their home institution.
Further, Erasmus supports the cooperation of higher education institution by means of implementing intensive programs, building multilateral networks and projects.

The goals of Erasmus program

  • Improving the quality of and increasing the amount of student and teacher mobility within Europe and thus contributing to a continuous increase in the overall number of cases of mobility.
  • Enhance the quality and increase the amount of multilateral cooperation among higher education institutions and companies.
  • Increase the transparency level and improve the compatibility of higher education qualifications in Europe.

Advantages of the Erasmus program

  • The participation in the Erasmus program increases competitiveness in education and employment. In today’s interconnected world, employers often value the experience of having studied abroad very highly, as such experience improves one’s communication and cooperation skills, widens one’s horizons and enriches one’s perception of other cultures. The student also familiarizes him/herself with new forms and contents of instruction.
  • The Erasmus program has been and will be the driving force behind the changes to the European system of higher education. It helped restructure the forms of higher education in Europe by triggering the Bologna Process, a significant initiative aimed at simplifying the diverse European higher education systems, which now includes 45 countries.

Erasmus University Charter

  • Erasmus University Charter guarantees a general framework for all European cooperation activities implemented by a university within a subprogram of Erasmus.
  • It is a document signed by the European Commission, defining the chief principles and minimum requirements regarding the activities of the Erasmus program; these must be adhered to by the higher education institution.
  • Erasmus University Charter valid for the period of 2014 - 2020:
    ID code: SK BRATISL 13
  • Identification of School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava:

    ERASMUS+ ECHE – ERASMUS Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027: Re.Ares(2021)1529846-27/02/2021

    ERASMUS+ Policy Statement

    The Charter enables the implementation of academic mobility for students (study) and employees.

Further information: