CRANET (Cranfield Network) is a network of instutions focused on Human Resource Management (HRM). It was founded in 1989 to fulfill the need of access to information on best practice, and to compare the fulfillment of this need in Europe and globally. At present, CRANET cooperates in the field of reasearch, making it possible to use verified data records on a general basis. These guarantee performing precise analyses and spreading high-quality results.
CRANET is coordinated by the School of Management, Cranfield University. At present, CRANET has the leading position in knowledge of all aspects of international HRM both on the level of theory and practice, and enjoys world renown. It offers academics, professionals, public administration organs and international institution experts guaranteed surveys, as well as instruction on international and comparative studies in the field of HRM.
The CRANET network is based on an active cooperation of 40 universities and higher education institutions, which
- perform regular international comparative research of organizational policies and practices in comparative HRM worldwide,
- offer benchmarks for the comparison of Europe to other parts of the world, which facilitates systematic comparative analyses of HRM trends in the employing organizations,
- spread the outcomes of surveys via general press, professional periodicals, academic periodicals, books, conferences, seminars and the teaching process.
For more information on CRANET, click here.